Curriculum in Python
Introduction to Python
Sequences and File Operations
Functions and Object-oriented Programming
Working with Modules and Handling Exceptions
Array Manipulation using NumPy
Data Manipulation using Pandas
Data Visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn
GUI Programming
Curriculum in Python
Python Is Preferred by Over 35% of Developers. Python is the most widely used and in-demand programming language in the IT industry.
- What is Python and history of Python?
- Unique features of Python
- Python-2 and Python-3 differences
- Install Python and Environment Setup
- First Python Program
- Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
- Comments and document interlude in Python
- Command line arguments
- Getting User Input
- Python Data Types
- What are variables?
- Python Core objects and Functions
- Number and Maths
- Week 1 Assignments
- if-else
- if-elif-else
- while loop
- for loop
- break
- continue
- assert
- pass
- return
- Introduction
- Lists in Python
- More about Lists
- Understanding Iterators
- Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions
- Understanding and using Ranges
- More About Ranges
- Ordered Sets with tuples
- Introduction to the section
- Python Dictionaries
- More on Dictionaries
- Sets
- Python Sets Examples
- Reading and writing text files
- writing Text Files
- Appending to Files and Challenge
- Writing Binary Files Manually
- Using Pickle to Write Binary Files
- Python user defined functions
- Python packages functions
- Defining and calling Function
- The anonymous Functions
- Loops and statement in Python
- Python Modules & Packages
- Overview of OOP
- The self variable
- Constructor
- Types Of Variables
- Namespaces
- Creating Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Types of Methods
- Accessing attributes
- Built-In Class Attributes
- Destroying Objects
- Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Abstract Methods and Abstract class
- Interface in Python
- Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Errors in Python
- Compile-Time Errors
- Runtime Errors
- Logical Errors
- What is Exception?
- Handling an exception
- try….except…else
- try-finally clause
- Argument of an Exception
- Python Standard Exceptions
- Raising an exceptions
- User-Defined Exceptions
- What are regular expressions?
- The match Function
- The search Function
- Matching vs searching
- Search and Replace
- Extended Regular Expressions
- Wildcard
- What is multithreading?
- Difference between a Process and Thread
- Concurrent Programming and GIL
- Uses of Thread
- Starting a New Thread
- The Threading Module
- Thread Synchronization
- Deadlock of Threads
- Avoiding Deadlocks
- Daemon Threads
- Python MySQL Database Access
- Install the MySQLdb and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Oepration with Databases
- Numpy
- Pandas
- GUI in Python
- Button Widget
- Label Widget
- Text Widget
- Introduction to MVC and MVT architecture in Web development
- Django folder structure and flow of control